A LONG-RUNNING saga over where to build a public toilet block in Northallerton looks about to come to an end.

Council chiefs have outlined their preferred option after considering the results of a consultation exercise.

Hambleton District Council is proposing to demolish the High Street and Applegarth toilets, with a toilet block being built on the Applegarth site.

Planning and environmental services director Steve Quartermain said the redevelopment of the Applegarth toilets, together with facilities at the town's Tesco store, would give people the two sets of conveniences they had demanded.

The proposal to demolish the Applegarth block is also backed by a recent inspector's report which said no amount of refurbishment could improve the site.

Mr Quartermain said: "It is clear from the public consultation and the comments of organisations in the town that they want a second set of public conveniences in Northallerton High Street."

Councillors are being recommended to ignore two other options - the repair and refurbishment of the High Street toilets and a new block on the north side of the town hall.

The planning committee has already turned down plans for toilets to be built on the site because they would damage the conservation area.

Mr Quartermain said: "It is evident that the building of above-ground toilets on the existing site is no longer an option, following the referral back of the planning application.

"The option to provide toilets to the north of the town hall received support from the public and organisations in the town, but it is still subject to the constraints of being in a conservation area.

"Option three would overcome the problems of the present Applegarth toilets and would provide what the public say they want - two sets of public conveniences in the town centre, with one in the High Street by the provision of toilets at the new Tesco store."

The issue is to be considered by the environmental health and housing committee on Thursday