AN animal lover has donated £2,000 to an appeal to build a sanctuary for abandoned pets.

The volunteer Saltburn Animal Rescue Association (Sara), in east Cleveland, launched its appeal for a £200,000 shelter for strays with a £900 cheque in February 1999.

Campaigners have raised £27,000, but now their appeal has been boosted thanks to a benefactor, who does not want to reveal his identity.

The man, from Redcar, had taken an interest in a stray greyhound called Whisper, who was on the loose for a number of months, before being caught and re-homed by members of Sara.

He decided he would like to do something to help.

Sheila Green, publicity officer for the group, said: "We would like to say a big thank you to the gentleman. This is the biggest donation we have ever had, and it was very kind."

The next meeting of Sara takes place on Wednesday, March 7, in the Toc H premises, Albion Terrace, Saltburn, at 7.30pm. This will also be the annual meeting, and new members are welcome.