ALTHOUGH languishing in the bottom half of the league table, when it comes to raising money for charity Middlesbrough Football Club is tops.

During the half-time interval of their game with Southampton on Saturday, the club presented more than £5,000 to the NSPCC's Football Full Stop Campaign.

Professional football clubs throughout the country took part in a challenge to raise as much money as possible for the charity - and Middlesbrough raised more than any other North-East club.

More than £2,500 was raised through The Great Boro Toddle, in which youngsters joined club mascot Roary the Lion for a sponsored walk around the BT Cellnet Riverside Stadium.

More money was raised through a ball juggling competition, while supporters donated money.

Funds were further boosted by Ron Myers, of the Clarendon Hotel, in Redcar, staff at Boulby Potash Maine, and Lynne Lancaster, of the Water Wheel pub, in Skelton.

Club commercial manager Graham Fordy presented the cheque.