TWO loveable double acts are looking for a good home to see out the rest of their days.

Brothers Leo and Raffy are ten-year-old whippet-cross Labradors, which were recently taken to the Ramshaw Rescue Centre, near Bishop Auckland, for rehoming.

The owners of border collies Cassie, five, and Amber, four, have also had to give up their beloved pets.

"There is nothing wrong with any of these dogs they are just victims of social circumstances and in each case the owners have asked if we can home them together," Said Kate Ramshaw from the centre.

"The whippet-cross Labradors have been together since birth and I don't really want to split them up."

She revealed that circumstances had forced both owners to give up the pets, and they were heartbroken about their decisions.

"It has taken a lot of hard thinking. They come from very nice homes," she said.

All four dogs are well trained with no behavioural problems and are good with children.

Anyone wishing to offer the dogs a home should contact Kate on (01388) 834644. The centre is open from 10am to 1pm from Monday to Friday and from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. The website address is www.ramsha