LOCAL Government minister Hilary Armstrong and her brother John are mourning the death of their mother, Hannah, who died peacefully on Saturday at the age of 90.

Sunderland-born Mrs Armstrong had supported her late husband, Ernest, throughout a long and distinguished political career and was delighted when Hilary succeeded him as MP for the North-West Durham constituency.

As the wife of a prominent parliamentarian who rose to become Deputy Speaker, she mixed with statesmen and women around the world.

At the family bungalow in Witton-le-Wear, she offered the same warm welcome to her friends and neighbours as she did to leading political guests, including former speakers Betty Boothroyd and Lord Tonypandy.

Despite declining health, Mrs Armstrong was able to stay on at her home after Ernest's death in July 1996, thanks to the support of friends.

She died in the Parklands residential home, at Crook, where she had lived since last May.

She also leaves a daughter-in-law, Jane, grandsons Simon and Jonathan, and son-in-law Paul Corrigan.

John Armstrong said last night: "She will be remembered for the support she gave us all, but Dad in particular.

"We are grateful that she was comfortable for her last few years and to all the people who helped to look after her, both at Witton-le-Wear and in Parklands."

A funeral service will be held at Witton-le-Wear Methodist Church at 9am on Saturday.