AIR cadets past and present got together on Saturday to reminisce and to look forward to the future.

The reunion was held by The 266 (Stockton), the biggest squadron in the Central and East Yorkshire wing of the Air Training Corps, to mark its 60th anniversary.

The corps was formed to maintain a professional air force during the Second World War and boys aged 14 to 18 were trained in the basics of flight.

Its first meeting of 266 Squadron was held in Holy Trinity Hall, Yarm Lane, Stockton. Similar meetings took place in Thornaby, Billingham and Middlesbrough.

More than 250 boys attended, and by February 19, 1941, 20 applications had been received for officer positions, while NCOs were found from within the four-flight squadron, promoted on merit.

Flight Lieutenant Mark Heslin, from the squadron said: "There is a lot of history attached to the group and that is why it is so nice to get people back together for such a special anniversary.

"We are not a recruitment office, but we do give youngsters a good base for civilian life."

In 1967, the squadron moved to the TA Centre, Norton Road, Stockton, and acquired its own accommodation there in 1997. Girls were allowed to join in the1980s.

Rifle-firing took place on Thornaby air-field as did flying, and cadets learnt about aircraft engines, aircraft recognition, signals and navigation.

A number of honours were awarded to squadron members on Saturday. They included, Corporal Danny Wilson who has been nominated as sports cadet of the year at wing and regional level and Flt Lt Heslin, who received a certificate of good service from the Lord Lieutenant of Durham last March. The honour this year goes to Flt Lt Stephen Hext.

Flt Lt Heslin said: "We are well supported by parents and staff, and as we are now officially the largest squadron in our wing, with well over 80 cadets, the future is looking bright."