AN ELDERLY war hero and his 80-year-old wife have been robbed of hundreds of pounds they had saved for a holiday, by bogus water company officials.

Two men, posing as officials, called at the couple's home on Saturday morning.

They got the pensioners to empty a cupboard under the sink and turn taps on and off.

When they left, the couple discovered that several hundred pounds in holiday cash had been taken.

The couple have lived in Peterlee for almost 50 years without incident. The husband, who is 82, served with the Durham Light Infantry in the Second World War, and was wounded in North Africa.

The leader of the bogus callers is described as in his 20s 5ft 9in, of proportionate build and clean shaven with dark curly hair with a wave at the front.

He spoke with an Irish accent and was wearing a below waist-length dark blue jacket with long sleeves.

His accomplice was smaller, with brown hair, and wore fawn-coloured clothes.

Anyone with information about the crime is asked to ring Peterlee police on (0191) 5862621 or ring Crimestoppers on (0800) 555111.