A TOWN centre dental surgeon has welcomed a council reversal that will allow him to build a £100,000 surgery with improved disabled access.

Paul Ridgway feared he would have to leave Chester-le-Street after planners recommended that local councillors refuse his proposals.

However, members passed the plans following an outcry from Mr Ridgway's 6,000 patients - 1,000 of which signed a petition handed in to the Civic Centre.

The surgeon said he bought the alternative building, in South Burns, following advice from town planners, but was shocked when the same officers asked members to block the change of use application.

Mr Ridgway, who has practised at his Front Street surgery for five years, said his disabled patients are looking forward to using a new surgery that should be open in about two months.

He said: "I'm very grateful to everyone who lobbied the council and I'm also grateful to Chester-le-Street District Council for reversing its decision.

"I've got builders in at the moment converting the site - it should take about two months to complete the work.

"In the circumstances, I think they reversed their decision because they realised an NHS dentist like myself would be of great benefit to the town."

With more than twice the national average of patients per dentist - 6,625 compared to 2,758 nationally - Chester-le-Street could not afford to lose one of its eight surgeries.

Council leader Malcolm Pratt said: "Officers were, quite rightly, guided by legislation and policy. However, it is in the duty of members to see the wider picture and we thought it was for the benefit of the people of Chester-le-Street that this application was accepted."

Councillors voted in favour of the proposals at last week's planning committee.