GATESHEAD Borough Council is planning to operate permanently with a leader and cabinet after residents gave the idea their backing.

More than 56 per cent of residents consulted through a survey in the council's magazine ,Council News, chose the option over a directly elected and cabinet or a mayor and council manager.

The council has been operating with a leader and council in shadow form.

The council canvassed opinions of residents, businesses and council employees through focus groups, forums and road shows explaining the different options.

The Government is reforming local government, it says, to make it more efficient and accountable and speed up decision making by getting rid of the old structure of committees.

The council has decided to draw up its own proposals for a leader and cabinet - there will be further consultation with residents in the borough - and submit to the Government for approval by the end of June.

The leader of the Labour-controlled authority, Councillor George Gill, said: "We started this process a number of months ago to gauge the feelings of local people before any changes could be introduced.

"Gateshead council has already modernised the way that it operates - further improving services to local people - something that local residents acknowledged during their consultation.

"We replaced the old committee system with a leader and a cabinet system in 1999, speeding up decision making, making us more responsive to local needs and more efficient and accountable.

"This consultation has shown that the people of Gateshead are pleased with the system we currently operate.

"We have listened to, and agreed with, the opinions of our residents. Now we must move towards making those changes - changes that will make Gateshead an even better place to live, work or study.''