YOUNGSTERS in Hartlepool are turning detectives in an effort to rid their estate of crime.

Community bobby PC Keith Morrison has urged the children to join Throston Estate Crime Solvers (Tecs), a junior neighbourhood watch group for seven to 17-year-olds.

The scheme aims to improve life on the estate by reporting suspicious behaviour and tackling issues such as graffiti, vandalism, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.

PC Morrison said: "There isn't a big problem with crime at Throston, and we want to keep it that way.

"This is another piece in the jigsaw of pulling the community together to improve life for all residents, whatever their age."

Pride in Hartlepool officer Ron Gosling said: "The youngsters are setting a great example and we are delighted to support their efforts."

The group meets on Fridays, from 7pm until 9pm, in the local community centre.

Anyone interested can call at the centre, or contact PC Morrison on (01429) 269365.