RESIDENTS in Stockton and Billingham are being encouraged to go online to obtain a recognised qualification.

Stockton and Billingham College has teamed up with the BBC to offer adult learners the chance to get a qualification in Internet skills.

The ten-hour structured course is called Becoming Webwise and ends with a one hour online test which leads to a recognised qualification.

The course starts in March and is spilt into eight sections, covering topics such as search engines, e-mail and viruses.

ILT coordinator Cam Swift from the college said: "Whether you are returning to work, changing career or simply want to learn new skills, BBC Becoming Webwise, will make you a confident Internet user.

"No experience of computers is required, and there will be someone on hand to guide you.

"The course costs £5.20, or it may be free to those in receipt of certain benefits."

To book a place, call (01642) 865473 or (01642) 865575.