A TOWN band is seeking sponsorship as it prepares to record its first compact disc.

Spennymoor Town Band has already been given a cash boost of £600 from the town council to start the project.

Secretary of the band, Hugh Stephenson, said its members were delighted with the council's support.

"This is our first CD and we are hoping to fill it with easy listening musical arrangements from pop to classical," he said.

The project will cost about £3,000 and the band will be hosting events to raise the cash.

Mr Stephenson said: "We are looking for other corporate sponsorship and businesses will be acknowledged on the CD cover.''

For every compact disc sold, £1 will be given to the mayor's chosen charity. It is hoped the recording will be released in time for Christmas.

Council clerk Terry Robson said: "We are absolutely thrilled to be associated with this project."