A BUDDING actress has been invited to join the National Youth Music Theatre on its latest tour.

The company is taking a version of Pendragon, a musical featuring the legend of King Arthur, on tour this year and Alicia McKenzie will be among the cast.

The 18-year-old is excited about the project as it may involve a trip to Japan.

Alicia, a member of Stagecoach Theatre Arts, in Darlington, is already part of the National Youth Theatre and was selected to perform with the group at the Royal Albert Hall last month.

Her call-up for the tour makes her one of a handful of youngsters to be part of both groups.

As well as her drama talents, Alicia, from Darlington, is also student president at the town's Queen Elizabeth Sixth-Form College, where she is taking her A-Levels.

Trudy Hindmarsh, principal of Stagecoach Theatre Arts, said: "Alicia's achievement is an inspiration to all other students that we teach.

"She is committed, hard working and shows intelligence and maturity in all her responses.

"She thoroughly deserves any success that comes her way."