A FATHER and son looked on helplessly last night as the business they had fought to keep alive for almost 20 years started to resemble a graveyard.

Ministry of Agriculture vets moved in on the abattoir run by John Thompson and his son Mark, to supervise the killing of almost 500 animals, after it was confirmed as one of the latest businesses hit by foot-and-mouth.

The slaughter of animals at the Thompsons' abattoir at Witton-le-Wear, County Dur-ham, will send shockwaves through the butchers' businesses its supplies throughout the North-East.

Mark Thompson said: "We are still in a state of shock. We don't know if we will be able to carry on. This is a very desperate time for us and everybody in the industry."

The Thompsons supply meat to butchers throughout south-west Durham, Teesside, and some shops in Newcastle.

Last night, father and son watched ministry vets supervise the killing of 52 cattle, 40 pigs and 360 sheep - the entire livestock at the abattoir. They will be disposed of today.

For the Thompsons, the nightmare started on Sunday when a vet noticed a sheep with suspected foot-and-mouth. On Monday, cattle and pigs were earmarked as suspected victims.

The affected sheep is believed to have been brought to the abattoir from a local auction mart.

Mark's father was too distressed to talk about the crisis last night.

The Thompsons have been battling for some time to try to keep their business afloat in the face of increasing Government red tape and spiralling veterinary fees.

"Effectively, we are now closed for business," said Mark. "I can't see a way out of this at present."

He said he was worried about the future of the 20 workers employed at the abattoir