A NIGHTCLUBBER was left with a fractured jaw when he defended his girlfriend against a verbal attack, a court heard.

Darren Tummilty was left in agony after he was punched during a row at the Caf Rock nightclub, Durham City, last August.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the fight broke out after his girlfriend complained that a man had been abusive to her.

Fiona McRae, prosecuting, told the court how Mr Tummilty confronted him but was attacked by Carl Beasley, 23.

She said: "He asked the man why he was being abusive to his girlfriend and got no response. He turned to Beasley and asked 'what's the matter with your mate, why was he being abusive?'

"Beasley said it was nothing to do with him and then punched him in the side of his jaw."

The court heard how Mr Beasley challenged the injured Mr Tummilty to another fight outside and insulted his girlfriend.

Mr Tummilty fled the scene and was treated at Dryburn Hospital.

Mr Beasley, of Upper Church Street, Spennymoor, was arrested two days after the attack and said he punched Mr Tummilty because he thought he was going to be hit first.

He denies causing grievous bodily harm and assault.

The trial continues.