MYSTERY still surrounds the death of a family man who was killed when he was hit by an 80mph Inter-City train.

Alan William Forster, 54, of Cotherstone Road, Newton Hall, Durham, died instantly when he was struck by an empty London to Newcastle train travelling round a right-hand bend just south of Durham City.

A jury at an inquest at Durham's County Hall yesterday returned an open verdict on his death - despite the train driver telling them he saw a figure walk on to the track then bend forward before he was hit.

However, the inquest heard he had no apparent reason to take his own life, was enjoying his retirement and had no serious medical problems.

Train driver Kevin Humphries said: "I just saw a figure step in front of the train. He stepped out just as I hit him - I didn't have time to sound the horn or use the breaks.

Mr Forster's wife, Carole Forster, said her husband was a keen fell walker and had been out rambling when he went missing on August 3 last year.

She raised the alarm when he failed to show up for tea time and police later found his body near tracks at Stonebridge, just south of Durham.

His car was found damaged in Wolsingham, 20 miles away from the scene of his death. Mrs Forster said that she thought her husband had decided to walk home after discovering his car was damaged.

Dr Paul Barratt, Home Office pathologist, said that he died from multiple injuries.