NORTH-EAST fundraising volunteers have been honoured for their efforts in the fight against cancer.

The Cancer Research Campaign's Chester-le-Street, Teesdale, and Whitley Bay local committees have gained runner-up silver commendations in the charity's national Nuffield Trophy awards for the best performance by a local committee.

The three committees have raised their income year upon year, and increased the variety of the events they hold.

In total, the committees raised £31,200 for the charity during 1999-2000.

The volunteers received their certificates from the charity's director general, Professor Gordon McVie, during the charity's regional supporters' conference at Newcastle University.

The charity's Yorkshire and North-East regional director Pat Bradley said: "Without the constant backing of our local committees, supporters' groups and numerous individuals - some of whom have been raising money for us for many years - there would be a massive fundraising gap to fill.

"We thank them all for their hard work and unfailing commitment to the Cancer Research Campaign.

"Congratulations to our Whitley Bay, Chester-le-Street and Teesdale groups, whose hard work has very deservedly been recognised.

"Please do keep up the good work and here's to a fantastic 2001.'