A cat spent two days on the roof of a house before being rescued by firefighters.

Potty, a five-year-old black and white cat, somehow scrambled up the side of a house in Front Street, Fishburn, Teesside, after being startled by another cat on Sunday. It took refuge near the chimney pot, but could not get down.

RSPCA inspector Laura Glover said: "Another cat scared her and she ran right up this house wall - I've no idea how she did it.

"She got on to the roof and then got stuck on the chimney stack. She could not move because she was so frightened."

Potty was stuck up the chimney in freezing cold weather, enduring rain and snow, before being rescued yesterday morning by firefighters from nearby Wheatley Hill.

Laura said: "She's got a few damaged claws on one of her front paws due to scrambling up the wall, but she is in remarkably good condition considering what she's been through."

Potty is now back with its owner in Fishburn after recovering from the ordeal