WHEN it comes to toilet humour a group of North-East pals have plumbed new heights.

While Kevin Hudson was enjoying a weekend away with his girlfriend, his friends climbed on to the roof of his semi in Norfolk Close, Seaham, County Durham, and swapped his flue for a loo.

Kevin, 29, a member of a group of friends known as the Dick Dastardlys, knew exactly who was at the bottom of the prank.

It all began when Kevin asked his coal merchant friend Steven Holman for two bags of his best.

The coal, however, had been loaded with firecracking rubbish, and Kevin refused to pay for it, even though Steven warned him to cough up or else.

Gas engineer Kevin stuck to his guns and happily went off on his few days away.

"About six months ago Steven went to sleep in my house and I encased him in plaster of Paris,'' said arch joker Kevin. "He looked like a mummy and he had a real struggle when we left him lying in the garden. I suppose he's been waiting to get his own back.''

Kevin said no builders would believe him when he rang and asked if they would come and take a toilet off his chimney stack.

But as residents complained the area was going to pot, a Sunderland contractor finally agreed to remove it.

Not surprisingly Kevin is now planning his revenge. Watch this space.