IT has been a week with ups and downs for the Jesters.

Last Saturday, we faced Sheffield and got beaten 4-1.

We can't afford to have any letdowns against a team like the Steelers and it is what happened.

In that match, I had my first encounter with Dennis Vial. For a few games, he was giving a lot of cheap shots and I had to do something about it.

After he tried to injure Joel Poirier in the first period, my mind was set.

I had to send him a message so that is why we fought at the beginning of the second period. He knows now not to run-around and be abusive towards any of my team mates.

On Tuesday, we played against Nottingham and won 3-2 on penalty shots. There was an improvement in that game but it was not quite enough yet.

With the talent we have we can do better and I'm convinced that the busy month of January will show it to everybody around the league.