LICENSEES Chris and Sheila Brown have come up with a novel way to encourage custom at their North-East pub.

The couple have set up a mini library in the lounge of their premises at the Honest Boy, in Blackfell Village Centre, Washington.

A growing list of titles are available to drinkers, who are welcome to take books home without payment.

Given the name of the pub, borrowers are trusted to return the books, with no need for the introduction of fines so far.

Sheila said the idea arose after some of her lunchtime regulars began bringing in books they had read to swap with fellow drinkers.

"We have got loads of books upstairs, Chris used to read a lot until we moved in here, but we haven't really got the time now.

"I had been wondering what to do with the books, and, so, I thought I'd set up our own little library .

"People began to bring in more books to donate and it's building up quite nicely.

"It's mainly the regulars we get in on a lunch-time.

"They don't read them here, but they take them home and bring them back in as and when they're finished with them."

Most of the books on offer are paperbacks and range from Jackie Collins to Mills and Boon-type tales of romance, which are popular with female customers, while the men prefer spy stories and science fiction.

Sheila said any donations of second-hand books are welcome to add to the volumes available to pub customers.

She can be contacted at the Honest Boy pub on 0191-416 0413