SCORES of community groups across the North-East are linking up to the web, thanks to a new awards scheme.

BT Community Connections has given Internet ready computers to 28 groups in the region.

Hundreds of entrants competed for the chance to win a computer in round one of the awards scheme.

They had to describe, in no more than 200 words, exactly how an Internet ready computer would benefit their own community.

Among the 28 winners in the North-East were the Ferryhill Residents' Association, in County Durham, which organises social events and education programmes.

It hopes to develop a homework club and access to new technology for local pensioners.

Other winners in the region included St Patrick's Youth Club, in Consett, and the Community Action Group in Crook.

The group works in a community largely made up of single parents and low income families and organises fairs, a kids' club and bingo.

The award will enable it to provide Internet access for school children and college students.

Tony Sarginson, head of corporate communications for BT in the North-East, who was one of the judges, said: "We are delighted with the quality of entries we received."

Local communities in the region have another chance to enter round two of the awards scheme before the deadline of April 6.

Anyone interested should write with contact details to BT Community Connections, c/o PO Box 29032, London WC2H 9SY.

Attach a description of no more than 200 words outlining how your community will benefit from the allocation of an award.

Alternatively, log on to