FORMS will be sent to ten per cent of Teesdale residents to gauge their views on which decision-making process should be adopted by the local authority.

A call for greater public input into the future structure of Teesdale District Council was made at a public meeting in Barnard Castle.

Teesdale has still not bowed to pressure from central government to adopt a system of management and has called for greater guidance from Whitehall on which option to choose.

With just a handful of other councils, Teesdale has continued a "wait and see" approach to changes in local government structure.

The Local Government Act outlines three main options: a cabinet with a leader elected by the council; a directly-elected mayor and cabinet; or a directly-elected executive mayor and council manager.

With the June deadline approaching, councillors have publicly urged local people to become actively involved with their authority's future.

Councillor Ken Robinson, chairman of the authority's policy and resources committee, told the meeting: "Under the current system every member of Teesdale District Council has a place on a policy-making committee and every committee is based on proportionality - this is something we would like to maintain."

Councillors assured the public that future meetings would continue to be open to the Press and public, unless an issue was deemed exempt.

For further details, and how to register comments, contact Teesdale District Council on (01833) 690000, or visit Teesdale House, Galgate, Barnard Castle