SKERNE Park residents, in Darlington, are being asked for their views on plans to develop green open space around the River Skerne.

A "planning for real" exercise is under way to identify a project which could develop the area for wildlife or recreation.

It was prompted by the Skerne Park Youth Council, which came up with the idea of turning the area into a countryside park.

Also involved are the Skerne Park Residents Association, Darlington Borough Council officers and the Environment Agency.

A steering group was set up, and has agreed an action plan for further progress.

Skerne Park's Youth Council will build the base of a scale model of the area, which will be passed on to Skerne Park Primary School, to paint and decorate.

The model will be taken on a tour of several venues on the estate, in a bid to generate as much interest as possible, in the project.

Residents will be able to make their ideas known by placing cards on to the model. The tour is to climax in a get-together at the school fair in June or July, after which, a decision will be taken, on which ideas should be pursued.

Darlington Borough Council, which owns the land, together with partners in the project, will then seek grants to pay for the changes.