TRUE teamwork and quality teaching have led to a resounding Ofsted success for a Stockton school.

Inspectors described Fairfield Infant and Nursery School, Glenfield Road, Stockton as "a very effective school with many strengths and very few weaknesses".

Among the aspects of school life highlighted in the report was the harmonious nature of working relationships, with all staff contributing to the success of the school in a variety of ways, including the school cook who helps run an art club.

The governors were also praised for making a good contribution to the life of the school.

The quality of teaching was found to be "of a consistently high quality overall", enabling the pupils to achieve high standards.

Pupils were also found to have positive attitudes, good behaviour, and high standards of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics.

Headteacher Mary Parkin said: "We welcome this report which celebrates the many strengths and achievements of the school, and recognises the hard work of everyone."