THIS starving lurcher puppy was a sad-eyed bundle of bones when it was dumped at a Bishop Auckland vet's surgery.

Shivering with cold, the creature was so weak it couldn't even lift its head when staff at the Kensington Veterinary Care centre took it in on Friday afternoon.

The black and tan puppy, which was only a few weeks old, had to be put to sleep a few hours later.

Surgery staff and animal welfare charity the RSPCA have condemned the owners of the tragic pet.

At the time this picture was taken - about two hours after two men dropped it off - the dog had appeared to be maintaining its fragile hold on life. Attached to a drip, it was responding to care and was making painful attempts to stand up.

By Saturday morning, however, it was clear the puppy could not survive.

RSPCA Insp Gavin Butterfield appealed for help in tracing the dog's owners. He said: "It was taken to the vets by two men in their early twenties who said they had found it in a field. They then gave an address which doesn't exist.

"I am not saying that these blokes have done this but we need to speak to them and find the people who are responsible for doing this,'' he said.

Anyone who has any information can contact the RSPCA on 08705 555999.