FURTHER research into a children's cancer is to be carried out in the region, thanks to a charity set up in memory of a Redcar schoolgirl.

Katie Neal was six years old when she died as a result of a medulloblastoma tumour, in March 1999.

Just two months later, her parents, Martin and Debbie, began looking at ways to raise money to fund a post for a PhD student to join the cancer research team at Newcastle General Hospital looking for a cure for the cancer.

Now, the charity has raised £50,000 of the £61,000 needed to fund the post for three years and research student Charles McManamy has started working full time on the project.

Mr McManamy, from Preston, Lancashire, is working at the hospital with the medulloblastoma team and is looking at the genetics side of the cancer, an aggressive form, which affects children from birth.

Katie's father, Martin, said: "If we can play some small part in making some progress and finding an effective cure, we would be really, really pleased.

"What Katie loved best was helping other people. It is nice to think that, through this, her name is helping others."