LEYBURN. - Last Fri. Fwd: 64 calves, 4 dairy and breeding cattle and 321 store cattle. Calves: Lim bulls to £180 av £99; hfrs to £55 av £28; BB bulls to £160 av £127; hfrs to £85 av £48; Simm bulls to £138 av £118; hfrs to £70 av £40; Fries bulls to £84 av £50. Calved dairy cows JW&JH Burton £640; hfrs H Avison £680, £460. Lim cow & calf RH Brown £500.

Show & sale of store cattle. Judge: D Hammond. Prizes: 1 JT Dixon & Sons, BB hfr £542; 2 GK Hird & Sons, Lim bullock £460; 3 J Brunton, BA hfr £452. Feeding bulls: KW&J Clarkson £390, £375; A Gregg £255, £248. Bullocks. - Lim: E Loadman £568, £498; R Parker £550; JT Dixon & Sons £550, £488; R&F Stephenson & Son £542; RM Ewbank £520; RW Wallis & Sons £515; R Hogg & Son £478. BB: J Frankland & Sons £558; FW Lawson £520; KG&SM Thompson £45, £400; R Parker £420; BR Lawson & Son £395; A Greg £305. BA: GK Hird & Sons £472; MW&JA Stephenson £455, £418; J Brunton £445, £348; BR Lawson & Son £390, £370; W Allison & Sons £360, £350. Char: MJ Suttill £450, £400, £370, £365; MW&JA Stephenson £412; J Fawcett & Son £388, £370; Ward £370. AA: Ward £365. Fries: IG Bushby £330, £305. Hfrs. - BB: JT Dixon & Sons £542, £405; R&PR Banks £450: WP&E Dobbing £448; A Gregg £382, £290, £238. Lim: R Parker £452, £388; CR Thornborrow £428, £395, £375; Mason & Gardner £420; GK Hird & Sons £420; J Frankland & Sons £418; R&PR Banks £418; JR&A Blades £382. BA : J Brunton £452, £378, £338, £300; BT McGregor £370; A Harker & Son £360. Char: FW Lawson £432; J Frankland & son £425; J Fawcett & son £415; R&F Stephenson & Son £390; E Loadman £338. Simm: R&F Stephenson & Son £385. Herefd: R&F Stephenson & Son £350. Fries: KG&SM Thompson £318.

MIDDLETON in TEESDALE. - Wed of last week. Suff X: £51 Bayles Farm; £41.20 17 East End; £42 Howe Farm. Mule X: £42.20 North Corn Park; £40 Moorey Lee. Ewes: Mule £34.50 Stanhope Gate; Swale £22. Rams: £37 North Hanging Wells; Texel £35 Leekworth; Scotch £26 Brown Gill; Swale £24 White Leases.

PENRITH. - Thurs of last week. Fwd: 204 store cattle. Bullocks: Lim X to £595; Char X to £565; BBX to £540; Fries to £460; BAX to £500; Saler X £465. Hfrs: Lim X to £440; Char X to £390; BB to £430; Simm X to £285; BAX £430. Feeding bulls: Lim X £335; BBX £420; BAX £340.

THIRSK. - Thurs of last week. Fwd: 292 cattle, 2,895 sheep, 691 pigs. Steers med to 116.5p av 92.3p; heavy to 103.5p av 90.2p; hfrs med to 112.5p av 87.5p; heavy to 109.5p av 88.9p; young bulls med to 102.5p av 84p; heavy to 90.5p av 81.1p; Cont av 91.2p; non-Cont 77.8p. Hoggets std to 112.8p av 93.4p; med to 106.1p av 98.1p; heavy to 104p av 99.1p; owt to 102.8p av 99.7p; ewes lt to £32 av £15.16; heavy to £53.50 av £36.81. Porkers to 102.5p av 92.4p; cutters to 97p av 87.2p; baconers to 89.5p av 85.8p; owt to 87.5p av 75.1p; sows/boars to 40p av 31.9p.

YORK. - Thurs of last week. Fwd: 269 cattle, 564 store sheep, 265 store pigs. Store cattle: Char to £565; Lim to £55; Simm to £382; BB to £490. Stirks to 20 weeks to £204. Stirks over 20 weeks: Char to £422; Lim to £395; Simm to £350; BB to £370. Calves: Simm bulls to £30 av £20; hfrs £18; Hereford hfrs £18; Lim bulls to £108 av £58; hfrs £12; BB bulls to £75 av £66; hfrs £20. Store sheep: ewes in lamb to £52; ewes & 2 lambs to £92; Suff X lambs/hoggs to £38.50; Cont X to £38.50. Store pigs: 10-12 weeks to £46.50 av £44.74; over 12 weeks to £53.50 av £46.94.

l All livestock markets are now suspended until further notice.