A POCKET-SIZED anti-bullying guide written by schoolchildren has been unveiled.

The guide, produced by children aged eight to 11, is part of an anti-bullying campaign run by Mountfield Primary School with Newcastle City Council's Play and Youth Service, over the past year.

The guide, full of puzzles, tips, information and support group contacts, was given out to every pupil, along with a key ring.

The launch on Wednesday was held as part of an anti-bullying week at the school to raise awareness of the issue.

The school has been given a £1,000 grant from the North West Partnership's Single Regeneration Budget, and £1,000 from the Play and Youth Service to design its playground and produce the leaflets.

The service's children and young people's officer, Tony Lamb, said: "The key is to prevent children from getting bored, which is when they tend to have arguments and get involved in bullying.

"We have helped the children to design their school yard to make it more stimulating by creating specific areas for skipping, ball games and hop-scotch. The ideas all came from the children.

"We have also taught them good, structured play-time activities instead of leaving them to kick a ball around, or stand around chatting.

"Children need to release energy in a positive way during playtimes."

School headteacher David Atkinson said: "We are all opposed to bullying in all its forms and find it particularly upsetting when it occurs.

"This approach is much more proactive, and hopefully more lasting, and will complement our current approaches."