A MAJOR regeneration scheme is taking effect in Skelton.

Projects in the town, which has more than £1m of Single Regeneration Budget cash to spend, are mainly targeting young people. They include a training programme for youngsters, confidence building sessions and free childcare support for young parents.

A learning centre to encourage adults over the age of 16 into employment and further education is proving a success and a project is under way to turn empty properties into rented accommodation for young people. The first of the buildings, in Charlotte Street, has been completed.

And in another scheme, closed-circuit television cameras are being installed to cut crime levels.

The former Barclay's Bank is to be refurbished and turned into an Internet cafe, which will hopefully be open by the end of the year.

The town will also benefit from a £1m investment into its industrial estate, announced recently and in a separate move, a £20,000 scheme to improve access for buses has been approved, thanks to a new Government scheme