THE Ministry of Agriculture has been urged to make information on foot-and-mouth more readily accessible to farmers.

Mr Reg Haydn, national chairman of the Tenant Farmers Association, said MAFF appeared to be relying on its web site to provide information.

"But not everyone in the farming community has access to the Internet," he said.

"We are receiving a mountain of calls from members from all over the country who are telling us that they have heard nothing from MAFF about what they should be doing.

"We sent a circular to all our members on Monday and that appears to be all they have received so far."

As well as asking MAFF to get more information to producers the TFA also encouraged all local authorities to use their available powers to close rights of way near to farms.

It welcomed the proposal for a scheme to allow limited livestock movements direct to abattoirs but is concerned that those who normally sell their stock through livestock markets will not be disadvantaged.

There will also have to be consideration given to allowing licensed movements of live animals for reasons of animal health and welfare.

"These are exceptional times and they require exceptional action. I would urge all who deal with the farming community, and particularly the tenanted sector, to be patient at this difficult time," said Mr Haydn.

"Many farmers will have anticipated returns from stock sales which will not now happen due to the movement controls that are in place and they will now be experiencing severe cash flow problems.

"This will have obvious implications as spring rent payments become due and we would ask both landlords and the banks to be particularly patient at this time."