Darlington Auction Mart was deserted this week, as restrictions on livestock movements prompted by the foot-and-mouth outbreak took hold.

Monday's auction was cancelled, a result of last Friday's order banning the movement of pigs, cattle and sheep for seven days.

The scene was being repeated today (Thursday) when the mart would normally host a sale of animals for slaughter, usually seeing about 300 cows, up to 1,500 sheep and 150 pigs.

A Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food spokeswoman said no decision had yet been taken on whether the ban would stay in place into next week.

Darlington Borough Council has confirmed changes to refuse collection arrangements for farms in light of the crisis.

Farmers are being asked either to store their rubbish until the situation is resolved or leave it at the end of their drives to be collected.

Also in view of the outbreak Darlington CHA and HF Rambling Club has suspended its current walking programme until further notice.

The Crook and Weardale Ramblers' Group has also cancelled all walks after taking advice from the Ministry.