THE gnomon has returned to Spennithorne churchyard. No-one knew quite what happened to the last one, but without it, the sundial fulfilled no useful purpose.

Mr Barry Mildren had often commented that it would be nice to see the sundial by the parish church repaired, complete with the gnomon to cast a timely shadow. So his widow, Mrs Hazel Mildren, decided the best way to remember him was to do just that.

With the help of another church member, she found a craftsman in Wales who could make a new sundial "face" complete with gnomon. It is inscribed to the memory of Mr Mildren, who restarted the church choir and who died in February, 2000.

But on the day the sundial was re-dedicated by the rector, the Rev Don Tordoff, the gnomon played little part in the ceremony as it quickly became covered by snow!