A BIG improvement scheme is planned for a County Durham stream to enhance the habitat for plants and wildlife.

Woodham Burn, which runs through the centre of Newton Aycliffe, is important for the rare wildlife it supports, including wild flowers, kingfishers and a large population of water voles.

But the course of the burn has been substantially altered over the centuries, damaging the natural channel habitat required by water-loving plants and animals.

Great Aycliffe Town Council, supported by Northumbrian Water and Kent Design, plans to recreate natural channel features including meanders, backflows, riffles and bank-side planting.

The proposed project would also involve the creation of pond-dipping platforms and information panels to enable educational activities to be conducted on the site with local schools.

But the project will only go-ahead if an estimated £10,000 can be found.

The council hopes to obtain money for the work from the Heritage Lottery Fund, Lafarge Redland Aggregates, the New Opportunities Fund and Northumbrian Water Environment Trust Fund.

It is hoped the project can start in summer, although residents will be consulted before details are finalised.

Jonathan Elmer, of Great Aycliffe Town Council, said: "It is important to us that residents have the opportunity to consider the detail of the project, recommend any alterations and give their views on the proposals.

"In addition, we hope to be able to involve school groups and local residents in the latter stages site works, for example bulb planting and tree planting."

A public meeting on the proposals will be held at Woodham Community Centre on March 28, from 8pm, and a permanent exhibition is planned in the town library.

For further information contact Jonathan Elmer at Great Aycliffe Town Council, on (01325) 300700