A MARATHON runner who works 25 miles out in the Irish sea has returned to dry land after raising £5,500 for Help the Aged.

Peter Jamieson, 45, from Stockton, is a gas rig engineer working on British Gas's Morecambe Bay platform.

Despite being at work for most of the year, he managed to complete the Great North Run, as well as the London and New York marathons last year.

Mr Jamieson clocked up 2,500 miles of training while offshore, between the Lancashire coast and the Isle of Man.

While working, Mr Jamieson trained on a treadmill and could only run on roads when he returned for his two-week breaks.

After raising more than £5,000 for charity, he is taking a year off marathon running.

He said: "I'm proud to say that I've announced a temporary retirement from marathon running and fortunately won't have to get on the treadmill offshore for some time.

"People often ask me how I managed to train properly when I'm stuck on a large metal structure half-way between England and the Isle of Man, especially considering the safety practices, which meant there really was nowhere to run.

"It was difficult, but I kept going and I'm delighted that thanks to the great support of my colleagues and others, Help the Aged will benefit from this cash."