AN innovative way of tackling anti-social behaviour on estates in Sunderland has been introduced.

Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, or ABCs, are being used in Pennywell, Ford and Pallion, as a way of educating nuisance residents.

Originally piloted in North London, the ABC scheme achieved massive success there before being adopted on Wearside.

The scheme works by getting agencies and residents together and agreeing an acceptable code of behaviour for those behaving anti-socially.

Residents sign up to a contract and are given six months to mend their ways.

It is thought the scheme is particularly effective in dealing with juveniles.

Ian Bailes, manager of Pennywell's Safer Estates Task Force, said: "When it comes to dealing with anti-social tenants in the council sector ABCs are very effective.

It is also being used to combat minor street crime on priv-ate estates in Ford and Pallion