A TEESSIDE school is going for gold as it seeks specialist status as a sports college.

Laurence Jackson School, in Guisborough, has enjoyed a fine reputation for its sports teaching and sporting achievements and wants to build on this to develop its aspirations for the young people of the whole of the east Cleveland area.

Last year, the school was awarded the Sportsmark award by Sport England in recognition of its work.

By becoming a sports college, the school says it will raise the standards of teaching and learning in PE and sport, and this will benefit children of all sporting abilities, as well as extending the range of opportunities available to children which best meet their needs and interests.

Deputy headteacher John Downs said: "The school has an excellent reputation for sport and PE. We have high standards already and we hope to enhance those opportunities even further. "

The sports college would also benefit youngsters at other schools and colleges in the area and be used as a resource for the wider community.

If the scheme goes ahead, the school hopes to be operating as a sports college by September 2002.

The school is in the process of putting a bid together, and a crucial part of the bid means the school has to address the needs of the community and clubs in the area. It has decided to hold a community forum at the school on Thursday, March 22, at 7pm, in the school library to discuss the best way forward