A PROPOSED amusement arcade in a town centre could tempt youngsters to gamble, police fear.

Hambleton District Council has received an application for an arcade, with eight gaming machines, to be created on East Road, Northallerton.

But police have raised concerns about the venue becoming a meeting place for children and also expressed fears about safety.

North Yorkshire Police licensing officer, Kevin Suffield, said: "It will become a kind of honey pot or meeting place for young people, attracting all types - some of whom could be tempted into spending more than they have."

He also expressed concern that the arcade would be sited on one of the busiest junctions in Northallerton, where East Road meets Bullamoor Road and Friarage Street.

"My fear is that these premises will attract a large number of people and, if they start to congregate outside the premises, or start messing about, the potential for a serious accident or incident is very high."

Northallerton Town Council has already said it would not support the application, as members felt the site was inappropriate.

The issue will be considered by the district council's licensing sub-committee, on Thursday.