A STRATEGY to improve the management of playing fields in Darlington is being drawn up by the local council.

Darlington Borough Council says the strategy is needed to determine existing and future needs of people who take part in sports that involve playing fields. It is also required to guide the council when considering proposals from developers regarding land purchases that involve playing fields.

The council has looked at the use of pitches for the four most popular sports: football, rugby, cricket and hockey.

In Darlington there are 51 football pitches for the public to use and demand is high, particularly at Hundens Park where most games are played.

Thirteen pitches are provided for rugby and the quality of the pitches is regarded as good.

Cricket pitches are currently provided by local clubs and organisations, and artificial pitches are provided at comprehensive schools.

Research has concluded that supply meets demand, although the council acknowledges there is a lack of indoor training facilities.

It also believes that the 11 hockey pitches in Darlington meets the demand.

Consultation with people who use the pitches revealed a general satisfaction, although the users of the football pitches consider them to be below standard because of uneven surfaces, poor drainage and inadequate changing facilities.

Councillors will be told that funding for any improvements could come from a number of sources, including the Football Foundation and National Lottery.

Some of the key elements of the proposed strategy are:

l An annual meeting should be held with all clubs and organisations that use playing field facilities to obtain feedback on provision.

l To support and encourage bids for National Lottery funding and other opportunities for grant aid to develop new and improve existing facilities.

l To provide a mechanism where playing pitches are effectively inspected during the winter season prior to matches, to determine if conditions are suitable for activities to proceed.