TWO communication companies are being accused of being miserly in rural east Cleveland.

Janet Borrow, 58, of Shepherd Court, Boosbeck, says because ntl hasn't laid cables in four east Cleveland villages, BT is charging excessive amounts for people to get cheaper calls through their rival company.

Mrs Borrow has to pay BT £30 a quarter for her line rental, but a switch that is plugged into the phone means she and other customers can access the cheaper calls from ntl.

ntl stopped laying cables at the nearby village of Skelton Green - about a mile down the road so that Boosbeck and the villages of Lingdale, Margrove Park and Charltons cannot access all the services offered.

Mrs Borrow said: "The fault lies with both of them. It is ntl for not laying the cables and giving us the chance to use their company, and BT for sticking this extra charge on to our line. They are that greedy."

A spokesman for ntl said: "We have a freeze on network build this year so nothing will happen in east Cleveland - or anywhere else in the country - during that period.

"The network build is reviewed at the end of each year as part of the budget process and the situation in these particular villages are always considered as part of that."

A spokesman for BT said: "If they are BT customers they will be charged for the line rental.