A LOWER speed limit has been enforced on a road in a bid to cut accidents outside a school.

The previous limit of 40mph along Stockton's Harrowgate Lane, from the Mitre Inn to the Horse and Jockey Inn, has been reduced to 30mph.

The change has been made as part of Stockton Borough Council's speed management strategy, which is reviewing speed limits outside schools.

David Lynch, the speed management team leader, said: "The existing 40mph speed limit outside Bishopsgarth Comprehensive School is unsatisfactory.

"The school strongly supports this reduction, as Harrowgate Lane has had a poor accident record over the years, and a number of pupils have been injured.

"Speed cameras have been operating on the road for the last 12 months, and there has been a significant reduction in speed so that many motorists are already complying with the new limit."

The new limit was brought in yesterday, and 30mph signs are being installed along the road to alert motorists to the change