A DAUGHTER has presented a cheque to the hospice that cared for her father for more than 12 years.

Lynn Kelly's father, Doug, visited the Butterwick Hospice, in Stockton, two or three times a week in the years before he died from lung cancer in 1988.

To say thank you to the hospice and its staff for their work, Miss Kelly, who works for ntl in Stockton, nominated them for a £1,000 donation from the company's Casual Day fund.

Miss Kelly met hospice founder Mary Butterwick and handed over the cheque.

She said "At the same time my dad was ill, I was in hospital for a long time having my back straightened, and couldn't be moved.

"People from the hospice used to bring my dad to see me, which made a big difference to us both.

"The hospice helped my dad and gave my mum a break as well. Being able to donate £1,000 is a wonderful way for me to say thank you."

During the past five years, more than £12,000 has been donated to charities from ntl's Casual Day fund.

Staff pay 50p to wear casual clothes every Friday.