FOREIGN imports have put paid to a electronic components manufacturer Littlefuse.

The Washington, Wearside, business, which employs about 200, is planning to close and move production to the Far East.

The £4.7m custom-built plant, on the Stephenson Industrial Estate, was opened four years ago. The company, however, has been in the town for more than 30 years.

The firm supplies fuses to the electronics and car industry.

Director and general operations manager Colin McGeary, said: "Littlefuse is working closely with elected representatives and is committed to providing every assistance to help the workforce secure alternative employment."

A spokesman for the AEEU, which represents workers at the plant, said: "This has come as a big blow to all the staff at the company. Our main aim now is to try to save some of the jobs."

The factory is in the constituency of MP Fraser Kemp, who has already been in touch with the company to discuss the future of its workforce.

l Another 100 jobs are expected to be lost with the closure of Courtlands cutting factory, in Peterlee.

The company announced yesterday that it is planning to move all its equipment from the town to West Auckland, County Durham. Workers were told to go home on Thursday night and not return until Monday to consider the news.