THE ninth annual North-East Maths Fair will take place this weekend.

This year's event, which is larger than ever, will include performances and workshops by international juggling group, the Gandinis.

Children and adults will be able to sample a huge range of maths games, puzzles and workshops.

There will be paper folding workshops, computer games and equipment, team games and lots of unusual puzzles.

The Gandinis, who performed at the Millennium Dome opening ceremony, will be giving performances and hosting workshops.

Visitors will also have a chance to take part in the Crystal Maze, which is based on the television series of the same name.

The North-East Maths Fair will take place at Houghton Kepier School, Dairy Lane, Houghton-le-Spring, on Saturday, from 10am to 4pm.

Admission costs £1 for adults but is free for children.