WIMPEY Homes is not prepared to build any affordable houses at a proposed development of 38 properties in Great Ayton or provide recreation space on the site.

The firm is also refusing to pay an estimated £35,000 towards alternative recreation facilities elsewhere in the village, which it would be required to do under planning regulations if the development went ahead.

It has submitted a plan to build the two- and three-storey homes and flats on the sites of the old Edward Kitching school, Pearson's haulage and county council depots which were located on land near California Court, Frankfield Place and Pearsonville.

Hambleton District Council development control committee heard yesterday how Wimpey had initially refused to pay anything towards recreation space or equipment. It subsequently offered £5,000 and had recently made a "final offer" of £15,000. An earlier proposal to build 62 homes was refused in November.

Planning officer Mrs Diane Baines told councillors there was a need for 100 affordable homes in Great Ayton. One-, two- and three-bedroom homes were needed for 49 single people, 34 couples and 28 families in the village.

"Our local plan requires affordable housing. We have taken on board the developer's concerns about the site and have allowed them to provide eight affordable homes. However, the developer is not prepared to provide any.

"Policies also require on-site open spaces or a sum to be paid for off-site open spaces. The sum depends on a development's size. This final offer is totally inadequate."

Coun Jacqueline Griffiths, of Stokesley, was told recreation spaces at Guisborough Road and behind the Friends' school development could possibly be enhanced.

A site visit will be held on Monday, July 9