A REPORT has hailed housing services in Darlington as among the best in the country.

But an equal opportunities strategy must be drawn up by Darlington Borough Council for it to improve further.

As part of the Government's Best Value regime, Audit Commission inspectors spent two weeks with the council's housing department.

Under the scheme, councils have to deliver the most economic, efficient and effective services possible.

Roy Irwin, chief inspector of housing, said: "Darlington Borough Council housing services is delivering a fair service to tenants, and has made good progress in improving the service it provides in recent months.

"To improve further it needs to be much better at consulting service users and responding to their comments and complaints, be clearer about its targets and develop and implement an equal opportunities strategy."

An analysis of performance indicators for 1999/2000, compared with other authorities ranked Darlington "within the top performing authorities", according to the report.