DISABLED and elderly walkers will be able to explore the countryside thanks to a new guide to routes around Washington.

The Washington Walks Pack is the second in a series of Breakfree guides produced by Sunderland City Council's countryside team.

It lists four walks, ranging from just over a mile to two-and-a-half miles, visiting places such as Springwell Village, Severn Houses, Barmston, Princess Anne Park, Fatfield and Cox Green.

Each walk is on a separate A5 sheet with a map on one side and route information on the other.

Countryside officer Claire Thompson said: "The guide is designed for people who enjoy getting out into the countryside but for whatever reason need to know about things like surface quality, slopes and gates and stiles before they set out.

"We believe it will prove especially useful for all walkers wishing to get out into the beautiful countryside around Washington, particularly people with disabilities, elderly people with difficulty walking and families with children in buggies."

The first Breakfree guide, which features walks around Hetton-le-Hole, was prompted by a forum on disability issues.

A third guide is to be published later this year.

The Washington Walks Pack was funded by the Countryside Agency. It costs £1.50 and is available from Sunderland Tourist Information Centre and the city's Central Library.