POLICE are hoping a series of summer volleyball contests will prove a slam dunking success.

Seven officers from the Cleveland force have been working with schools across West Middlesbrough to teach volleyball as part of the £52m New Deal for Communities (NDC) programme.

The sports coaching is just one of a series of projects aimed at improving the health and well being of people of all ages in Newport, West Lane and Whinney Banks.

Dozens of ten and 11-year-olds from Newport, Whinney Banks, Archibald, St Francis, Abingdon and Breckon Hills Schools will take part in volleyball tournaments from July 10.

Inspector Rob Donaghy, head of the community policing team, said: "I believe it's very important for officers to break down barriers in the neighbourhood, and getting police to work with local kids means the youngsters feel a part of their community."

West Middlesbrough NDC health manager Pat Harriman said: "The volleyball initiative is a great way for young people to get active. Money from the Health Action Zone is helping us to develop the scheme and we're now offering training to parents and teachers so they can run their own sessions in and out of school."