POLICE have appealed for information after a man was stabbed in the chest.

The attack happened outside the Bell's store, in Darlington Lane, Stockton, Teesside, at 10pm on Friday.

The victim was taken to North Tees General Hospital with a single stab wound, and was detained overnight.

Police are trying to trace a man seen in the area at the time of the incident.

He is described as white with a tanned complexion, 5ft 9in, of stocky build, with dark, collar- length hair and a moustache.

He was wearing a white shirt and dark trousers, which may have been a uniform. The man was seen leaving the area in a blue vehicle with distinctive white wings. The registration number is thought to contain the letter and figures J468.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Dave Clough, at Stockton CID, on (01642) 302241.