PUB regulars have raised £3,000 for two charities close to their hearts.

The drinkers at the Norton Tavern, in Norton, have donated £1,000 to children at Catcote School, in Hartlepool, and £2,000 to the British Heart Foundation.

The school, where pub regular Alan Chapman teaches, will use the money to buy computer equipment, while the British Heart Foundation was chosen to receive a donation in memory of a pub regular who recently died.

The money was raised in less than a year, through raffles, quizzes and charity nights and the donations bring the total raised for charity by the pub in the last nine years to £55,000.

Landlord Peter McNeill said: "The customers at the Norton Tavern are fantastic in their fundraising efforts.

"So much so that the presentation evening for this money is a fundraising BBQ night for our next charity."